Althought Therapy

Therapist Insights

By: Dr. Samantha Awalt


The Importance of Regular Therapy Sessions

The Importance of Regular Therapy Sessions By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Throughout the course of life we all experience some ups and downs. Sometimes we experience lows that are tricky to navigate alone. Or maybe we had some past traumatic experiences that we need to work through. Regular therapy sessions can


Common Issues Addressed in Couples Therapy

Common Issues Addressed in Couples Therapy By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Relationships are complex and require a great deal of effort and communication to maintain. Regardless of the status of your relationship- committed relationship, married, dating, it is likely that challenges have arisen. While some issues are more easily solvable at


What Type of Therapy is Right for You?

What Type of Therapy is Right for You? By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Navigating the world of mental health and therapy can be daunting. Several different types of therapy are available, each one is unique, with different methods and goals. The focus of this blog is helping you understand the different


How Couples Therapy Can Save Relationships

How Couples Therapy Can Save Relationships By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Couples Therapy goes by many names- couples counseling, couples therapy, or marriage therapy. Couples Therapy is a form of therapy that helps couples address and resolve conflicts in their relationship. It involves a licensed therapist, professional counselor, or clinical psychologist


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT): Cognitive Distortions By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that has become popular for its evidenced based practices. It focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. The main idea is that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are


Tips for a Successful Couples Therapy Session

Tips for a Successful Couples Therapy Session By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Navigating the waters of a long-term relationship can be challenging. Couples therapy or marriage counseling can serve as a lighthouse, guiding couples through stormy seas. But how do you ensure a successful counseling experience? What steps can you take


Finding the Best Psychologist Nearby

Finding the Best Psychologist Nearby By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Mental health is a critical component of our overall well-being, yet it’s often overlooked. Whether you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship issues, finding the right psychologist can be a life-changing step. If you’ve found yourself typing “psychologist near me”


How to Determine When You Need Couples Therapy

How to Determine When You Need Couples Therapy By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Navigating the complexities of a relationship can be challenging. At times, couples may find themselves stuck in a cycle of recurring issues. Couples therapy can be a valuable tool in these instances. It provides a safe space for


Effective Coping Mechanisms for Managing Depression

Effective Coping Mechanisms for Managing Depression By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Depression is more than just feeling sad. Depression is a complex mental health disorder that can have a significant impact on your life. Not only does it effect the person suffering from depression but it can have an impact on


Difference Between a Psychologist and a Therapist?

Difference Between a Psychologist and a Therapist? By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Are you looking for a therapist? Maybe you have come across a few different terms such as a mental health professional, therapist, counselor, and psychologist. This blog article will help you understand the difference between a therapist and a

marriage counseling

Marriage Counseling and Trust Issues

Marriage Counseling and Trust Issues By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Trust is an essential piece to a successful marriage. Trust issues can happen before meeting someone or within a marriage, causing problems with trust. A marriage and family therapist works with individuals and couples to strengthen and rebuild trust in a marriage

Couples Therapy Sessions

Couples Therapy Sessions: Feeling Understood

Couples Therapy Sessions: Feeling Understood By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Do arguments with your partner leave you feeling defeated or unheard? Are you finding yourself rehashing and replaying what you and your partner said to one another? As you walk away from the argument you are trying to determine what went

Productive Therapy Sessions

Insightful Topics for Productive Therapy Sessions

Insightful Topics for Productive Therapy Sessions By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Have you started thinking about going to individual therapy to support your mental health? But maybe some fears start coming up such as, what am I going to discuss in therapy sessions? Starting therapy can feel scary and sometimes overwhelming.

Attachment Styles

Understanding Attachment Styles: A Guide to Building Better Relationships

Understanding Attachment Styles: A Guide to Building Better Relationships By: Dr. Samantha Awalt What are attachment styles? Attachment styles are based on attachment theory, which was developed by several psychologists who studied how children bond with their parents. The two main people who shaped attachment theory were John Bowlby and

Childhood Trauma

Childhood Trauma Symptoms, Brain Development and Therapy

Childhood Trauma Symptoms, Brain Development and Therapy By: Dr. Samantha Awalt What is Childhood Trauma? Have you ever wondered if you have experienced childhood trauma? It may be a question lingering in your mind but you don’t feel like you have a clear answer. Traumatic experiences include more than experiences between

Effective Parenting Method

Are Timeouts a Safe and Effective Parenting Method?

Are Timeouts a Safe and Effective Parenting Method? By: Dr. Samantha Awalt In recent years, the use of “time outs” as a parenting strategy has sparked considerable debate. A timeout involves removing a child from a situation where they were misbehaving, isolating them from fun activities and parental engagement, often

Understand My Emotions

How Do I Understand My Emotions?

How Do I Understand My Emotions? By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Understanding your emotions can feel like an impossible task when you start, especially if you didn’t grow up practicing this skill. And first and foremost, this is a skill that can be developed and honed over time. So, if you

Role of Oxytocin

The Role of Oxytocin: Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and Love

The Role of Oxytocin: Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and Love By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Oxytocin, often dubbed the “love hormone,” is far more than just a catalyst for romantic feelings. This remarkable neuropeptide, produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, plays a pivotal role in enhancing trust, bonding,

Postpartum Depression Risk Factors

Postpartum Depression Risk Factors You Should Know

Postpartum Depression Risk Factors You Should Know By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression is associated with various risk factors, some of which can be mitigated while others cannot. This blog article will explore these specific risk factors and offer research-backed strategies to address them, based

Postpartum Depression Symptoms

Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment

Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment By: Dr. Samantha Awalt What Is Postpartum Depression? The birth of a baby is an event teeming with joy and expectancy, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope and happiness. Yet, in this period of celebration, numerous mothers encounter the challenges of

couples communication

Countering the Four Horsemen in Couples Communication

From Conflict to Clarity: Countering the Four Horsemen in Couples Communication By: Dr. Samantha Awalt In a previous blog post, we discovered what the Gottmans refer to as the ‘Four Horsemen’ of couples’ communication. While all four communication styles negatively affect your relationship, contempt and stonewalling are the two most