Althought Therapy

Therapist Insights

By: Dr. Samantha Awalt

Effective Parenting Method

Are Timeouts a Safe and Effective Parenting Method?

Are Timeouts a Safe and Effective Parenting Method? By: Dr. Samantha Awalt In recent years, the use of “time outs” as a parenting strategy has sparked considerable debate. A timeout involves removing a child from a situation where they were misbehaving, isolating them from fun activities and parental engagement, often

Understand My Emotions

How Do I Understand My Emotions?

How Do I Understand My Emotions? By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Understanding your emotions can feel like an impossible task when you start, especially if you didn’t grow up practicing this skill. And first and foremost, this is a skill that can be developed and honed over time. So, if you

Role of Oxytocin

The Role of Oxytocin: Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and Love

The Role of Oxytocin: Childbirth, Breastfeeding, and Love By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Oxytocin, often dubbed the “love hormone,” is far more than just a catalyst for romantic feelings. This remarkable neuropeptide, produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior pituitary gland, plays a pivotal role in enhancing trust, bonding,

Postpartum Depression Risk Factors

Postpartum Depression Risk Factors You Should Know

Postpartum Depression Risk Factors You Should Know By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression is associated with various risk factors, some of which can be mitigated while others cannot. This blog article will explore these specific risk factors and offer research-backed strategies to address them, based

Postpartum Depression Symptoms

Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment

Postpartum Depression Symptoms and Treatment By: Dr. Samantha Awalt What Is Postpartum Depression? The birth of a baby is an event teeming with joy and expectancy, marking the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope and happiness. Yet, in this period of celebration, numerous mothers encounter the challenges of

couples communication

Countering the Four Horsemen in Couples Communication

From Conflict to Clarity: Countering the Four Horsemen in Couples Communication By: Dr. Samantha Awalt In a previous blog post, we discovered what the Gottmans refer to as the ‘Four Horsemen’ of couples’ communication. While all four communication styles negatively affect your relationship, contempt and stonewalling are the two most

Unhealthy Communication in Couples

Overcoming Unhealthy Communication in Couples

The Four Horsemen: Overcoming Unhealthy Communication in Couples By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Do you ever find yourself feeling worse after walking away from an argument with your partner, questioning whether bringing up the topic was a mistake to begin with? It’s not uncommon. Unhealthy communication patterns can often leave us

baby blues

Understanding the Phenomenon of Baby Blues in Dads

Exploring Paternal Emotions: Understanding the Phenomenon of Baby Blues in Dads By: Dr. Samantha Awalt When you picture the arrival of a new baby, you might imagine it as a time overflowing with joy and a love that knows no bounds—a magical chapter that brings parents and their little one

Postpartum Blues

Postpartum Blues: Navigating Hormonal and Emotional Shifts

Postpartum Blues: Navigating Hormonal and Emotional Shifts By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Bringing a brand-new baby into the world triggers a cascade of wonderful and challenging experiences. The heightened sense of love and connection can be awe-inspiring, yet sometimes the lows can be overwhelming. It doesn’t help that we live in

Overcoming Intense Anxiety

Overcoming Intense Anxiety

From Paralyzed to Empowered:Overcoming Intense Anxiety By: Dr. Samantha Awalt Do anxious thoughts pop into your mind and consume you? Does it feel like no matter what you do, you just can’t make those thoughts go away? If so, you are not alone. 40 million people in the United States