Althought Therapy

Couples Therapy and Mental Health Issues

You may be wondering if you can start couples therapy if you or your partner have mental health issues. This is a common issue that comes up during phone consultations for starting couples therapy.

Couples therapy can be a lifeline for those struggling with mental health issues within their relationship. It provides a safe space for communication, understanding, and healing.

This article aims to shed light on how couples therapy can help manage mental health issues in relationships. This blog will delve into the benefits, processes, and outcomes of this therapeutic approach.

Couples therapy mental health, Althought Therapy, Lakewood, CO

Understanding Couples Therapy for Mental Health

Couples therapy, also known as relationship counseling, is a type of psychotherapy. It helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts to improve their relationship.

This form of therapy can be beneficial for couples facing various issues. These include communication problems, sexual dissatisfaction, conflicts about child rearing or blended families, substance abuse, anger, and infidelity.

When it comes to mental health issues, couples therapy takes on a crucial role. It addresses the impact of mental health conditions on the relationship. These conditions may include depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and others.

In couples therapy, the therapist helps the couple gain insight into their relationship. They improve conflict resolution and communication. The goal is to help the couple understand their relationship better and make thoughtful decisions.

Here are some key aspects of couples therapy for mental health issues:

  • Facilitating open communication about mental health concerns
  • Helping partners understand each other’s mental health conditions
  • Developing coping strategies for mental health symptoms
  • Addressing how mental health issues affect relationship dynamics
  • Working towards a healthier, more supportive relationship


Understanding these aspects can help couples make the most of therapy. It can guide them towards a healthier relationship and improved mental well-being.

The Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Relationships

Mental health issues are common in relationships. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. experiences mental illness each year. This prevalence inevitably impacts relationships.

When one or both partners struggle with mental health issues, it can create unique challenges. These challenges can strain the relationship. They can lead to misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, and emotional distance.

However, it’s important to remember that mental health issues are not a personal failing. They are medical conditions that require understanding, treatment, and support. Just like physical health issues, they can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

Recognizing the prevalence of mental health issues in relationships is the first step. It can lead to greater understanding, empathy, and support. It can also encourage couples to seek help through therapy when needed.

How Couples Therapy Can Help

Couples therapy can be a powerful tool for managing mental health issues in relationships. It provides a safe space for couples to express their feelings, fears, and concerns. It also helps them understand each other’s experiences and perspectives.

A skilled therapist can guide couples through difficult conversations. They can help them navigate the complexities of mental health issues. They can also provide strategies and techniques to manage these issues effectively.

Couples therapy can also help partners develop empathy for each other. Understanding each other’s struggles can foster a deeper emotional connection. It can also promote mutual support and cooperation in managing mental health issues.

Finally, couples therapy can help partners build healthier relationship dynamics. It can help them break negative patterns and establish more positive ones. This can lead to improved relationship satisfaction and overall mental well-being.

Identifying Relationship Dynamics and Patterns

One key aspect of couples therapy is identifying relationship dynamics and patterns. These patterns can often contribute to or exacerbate mental health issues. A therapist can help couples recognize these patterns and understand their impact.

For example, a common pattern is the “pursuer-distancer” dynamic. One partner may pursue closeness, while the other distances themselves. This can create tension and misunderstanding.

Understanding these dynamics can help couples make positive changes. It can help them develop healthier ways of relating to each other.

Communication Techniques in Couples Therapy

Effective communication is crucial in managing mental health issues in relationships. Couples therapy often focuses on improving communication skills. This can involve:

  • Learning to express feelings and needs clearly and respectfully.
  • Developing active listening skills to understand each other better.
  • Using “I” statements to express feelings without blaming or criticizing the other person.
  • Learning to manage and resolve conflicts in a constructive way.


These techniques can help couples communicate more effectively. They can help them understand each other’s experiences and needs. They can also help them navigate mental health issues more successfully.

Addressing Intimacy and Trust Issues

Mental health issues can often affect intimacy and trust in relationships. Couples therapy can help address these issues. It can help couples understand how mental health issues can impact their emotional and physical intimacy.

A therapist can provide strategies to rebuild trust and intimacy. This can involve open and honest communication about each partner’s needs and fears. It can also involve learning to express love and affection in ways that both partners understand and appreciate.

Addressing intimacy and trust issues can help couples strengthen their emotional connection. It can also help them support each other more effectively in managing mental health issues.

The Process of Couples Therapy

The process of couples therapy begins with an initial assessment. This involves understanding the couple’s relationship history, individual backgrounds, and current issues. The therapist will also identify the mental health issues that need to be addressed.

The next step is goal setting. The couple and the therapist will establish what they hope to achieve through therapy. This could be improving communication, resolving conflicts, or managing mental health issues more effectively.

The therapy sessions will then focus on working towards these goals. The therapist will guide the couple through discussions, exercises, and interventions. They will provide feedback and strategies to help the couple make progress.

The duration of therapy can vary depending on the couple’s needs and progress. It can range from a few sessions to several months or even longer. The therapist will regularly review the couple’s progress and adjust the therapy plan as needed.

Choosing the Right Therapist

Choosing the right therapist is a crucial step in the therapy process. Mental health is important when considering a therapist. Seek out a therapist trained or who has experience with the specific mental health issue you are dealign with. They should also be someone both partners feel comfortable with.

The couple should consider the therapist’s approach and style. Some therapists may be more directive, while others may be more facilitative. The couple should choose a therapist whose approach aligns with their needs and preferences.

What to Expect in Therapy Sessions

In a typical therapy session, the couple will have the opportunity to discuss their thoughts and feelings. The therapist will facilitate these discussions, ensuring that both partners have a chance to express themselves. They will also provide feedback and guidance to help the couple navigate their issues.

The therapist will use many different exercises and techniques to achieve therapeutic goals. Some common goals include, communication, resolve conflicts, and manage mental health issues. You may practice the techniques during therapy sessions or at home.

Sometimes therapy can be challenging. It can bring up difficult emotions and conflicts. However, the therapist will be there to support the couple through these challenges.

Finally, the couple should expect to see progress over time. However, significant improvements take time, patience and commitment.

Techniques and Approaches Used in Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can involve a variety of techniques and approaches. Technique selection depends on the couple’s needs and the therapist’s expertise. The therapist will also use techniques that suit the specific mental health issues being addressed.

One common approach is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors. These thought patterns and behaviors may be contributing to relationship issues and mental health problems.

Another approach is emotionally focused therapy (EFT). This aims to strengthen the emotional bond between partners and promote a secure attachment. It can be particularly effective for couples dealing with trust issues or emotional disconnection.

Other therapeutic approaches can also be used in couples therapy. These include:

  • Solution-focused therapy
  • Narrative therapy
  • Gottman method
  • Imago relationship therapy


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that can be very effective in couples therapy. It helps couples identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that are causing problems in their relationship.

CBT can be particularly helpful for couples dealing with mental health issues. It provides strategies for managing symptoms, reducing stress, and improving communication and problem-solving skills.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is another approach used in couples therapy. It focuses on emotions and their role in relationship patterns. EFT helps couples understand and change their emotional responses to create a more secure bond.

EFT can be especially beneficial for couples dealing with emotional disconnection or trust issues. It promotes empathy, understanding, and emotional availability, which can improve relationship satisfaction and stability.

Other Therapeutic Approaches

In addition to CBT and EFT, there are other therapeutic approaches that can be used in couples therapy. These include solution-focused therapy, which focuses on finding solutions to problems rather than focusing on the problems themselves.

Narrative therapy helps couples rewrite their relationship story in a more positive and empowering way. The Gottman method uses research-based strategies to improve friendship, conflict management, and shared meaning in relationships. Imago relationship therapy focuses on healing childhood wounds and creating a safe and loving relationship.

Overcoming Challenges and Making Progress

Couples therapy is not a quick fix; it requires time, effort, and patience. All couples face challenges and setbacks along the way. Setbacks and challenges are normal and ought to be expected.

The key is to view these challenges as opportunities for growth. They can provide valuable insights into your relationship dynamics and patterns. They can also help you develop resilience and coping skills.

Even though at times progress may be slow, it is worth the effort. Every step you take towards better communication, understanding, and empathy is a step towards a healthier relationship.

Dealing with Setbacks

Setbacks are a normal part of the therapy process. When you experience a setback it does not mean that your relationship is failing. Additionally, your relationship can improve, even with setbacks.

When setbacks occur, it’s important to communicate openly with your therapist. They can help you understand what’s happening and provide strategies for moving forward.

Therapy is a journey and a process, not a destination. Therapy is all about learning, growing, and making progress. The goal is not perfection but rather improvement.

Celebrating Successes

Celebrating successes, no matter how small, is an important part of couples therapy. It helps to reinforce positive changes and boost motivation.

Even small victories, like having a productive conversation or resolving a minor conflict, are worth celebrating. They show that you’re making progress and moving in the right direction.

Maintaining Relationship Health Post-Therapy

The end of therapy doesn’t mean the end of your journey towards a healthier relationship. It’s important to continue applying the skills and strategies you’ve learned in therapy.

Regular check-ins with your partner can help maintain open communication. Discussing feelings, concerns, and successes can keep your relationship strong and resilient.

Remember, maintaining a healthy relationship is an ongoing process. It requires continuous effort, understanding, and mutual respect. But with the tools and insights gained from therapy, you’re well-equipped to navigate any challenges that come your way.


About Dr. Awalt

Dr. Awalt owns a private practice that specializes in couples therapy in Lakewood, CO in the Denver metro area. She regularly works with couples where one or both partners are experiencing a mental health issue.


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